Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February: I Hate you!

Sunday marked the closing of many things. First and foremost, it was the closing to February. It was also the closing of the Olympics, the closing of the weekend and HOPEFULLY, it was the closing to the bad karma that is my life. Sunday night, I went to the gym and came back with (YET AGAIN!!!!!) another tweaked knee. :( I don't wanna think about it so we'll leave it at that.

I cannot express how thrilled I am that March is here. February was just NOT my month.... It was just hordes of crap dumping down upon me for the entire short span of 28 days. Imagine if February actually had 30 or 31 days?! That could be 2  or 3 more days of shizz coming my way! Hell, February even caused the 8.something earthquake in Chile!

Good riddance to February.

In just ONE short day, March has already brought a plethora of good news. This was my March 1st:

1. I finally got my fix-it ticket signed off by the CHP and now only have to mail it in to the LA Supreme Court. This marks the ending to the whole car fiasco.
2. Payday $ at work. (except in the case of my work, it's more like half-a-$)
3. Jenna and I have officially been together for 6 years and 11 months! Craziness...
4. I got news from my parents that I'm getting a rebate back from the Gov!
5. And the cherry on top... Jenna came to LA for the night AND brought Girl Scout Cookies! (Samoas and Thin mints)

Thank you March.


Here are a few pics from my last day of February. The 28th was a nice day (weather wise) and I decided to take a bike ride to South Pasadena/San Marino. 

I stopped by this church because it looked really cool with that huge tower and with the sun behind it. BUT also, there were a couple girl scouts selling cookies out front! haha. (i dont know why I keep mentioning G.S. Cookies... oh yeah, I'm the Cookie Monster. Or maybe it's because I gave up cereal for Lent even though I'm not religious whatsoever!)

Anyway, I rode on and ended up at this really nice looking park. I wanted to bike around inside but when I got to the front gate, the dude told me that I had to PAY just to walk around the park. Oh LA... always trying to scam another buck. This is the only view I got of Lacy Park.


Another cool thing I found on my bike ride was this steep path that a lot of people were walking up. I had to carry my bike up a lot of stairs but the ending destination was well worth the work. When I got to the top, it seemed as though I'd entered into some ridiculous place where every house was literally a mansion. Not just cuz they were big and fancy, but they were decked out. Decked out like the houses you see on Cribs! Every house had a gate in front protecting their huge front yard, driveway and 5-6 expensive cars. Scattered throughout the front yards were statues of Greek Gods, enormous fountains or huge white house style columns. Everybody had pristine swimming pools and either a full sized tennis court or gated basketball court. I was in such awe that I neglected to take one picture to prove any of this...

Alas, Feb is over and I'm moving on. My car is in the repair shop, and although it's costing me my whole paycheck, it will finally be fixed and best of all, fully registered and licensed! Hopefully things will pick up from here and I can deliver happier posts.

Hello to all the new readers who FINALLY discovered our little blog.

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