Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Almost Beach Time!

As March draws to a close and April nears, all signs definitely point toward sunny beach weather. Good thing that old rhyme doesn't apply to Southern California. Ya know, the one that goes, "April showers bring May flowers." It's more like, April sunshine brings the funtime.... ok, bad attempt to be cleaver.

Anyway, I haven't posted in a while so I decided to share a little from my last visit to SB.

The weather was perfect and we took that opportunity to take our first stroll along the beach in a long time. The sand felt great and gave me something to look forward to on my next visits to see Jenna (other than her). I really wish I could find a cheap surfboard so that I could start attempting to surf.

Remember that time we went surfing in Hawaii?! Crazy fun!

Here's Jenna on the beach. The lighting was really interesting that day and reminded me of this awesome site I once found online.... Check it out. It's solely dedicated to light.

And although she hasn't done ballet for years, shes still got it! In jeans no less! I'll leave the flexibility and gracefulness to her and I'll stick with hurting myself on the bball court.

Oh, another thing that apparently happens quite often to me is that I get bits of food stuck in my teeth a lot. Maybe its from not wearing my retainer as a kid or just the fact that I eat a lot of food, but there's always something lodged in those hard to reach gaps between my teeth. On this day, I could not for the life of me get this little piece out. Jenna constantly complains about my extra bits of food I've been saving for later... I bet my mouth is way worse at work because I eat a giant leafy salad almost everyday. Sorry coworkers.

Walking on the beach always works up an appetite. We quickly whipped up some bruschetta with Ricotta and grape tomatoes. Delicious as always.

Here's the chef with her masterpiece.

Can't wait to go back to SB for more sun so I can finally stop being WHITE!

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