So here is a picture of the starting materials for my herb garden:
2. Rosemary, Thyme, Curled Parsley, and some green onions that my grandma gave me
3. A bag of "organic soil"
4. Three 14" pots, a small shovel, and garden gloves
So here is what my garden looked like after some digging, re-potting, and planting:
Or so I thought...
So after I was doing some researching about herb gardens online, I learned that mint should not be planted in pots with any other plants, because it is very invasive and it will take over any plant it is planted with. So I decided to go back to Home Depot to buy one more pot and a little more soil.
When I put another bag of the "organic soil" in my cart, this is what I saw on the back of the bag:
SO I loaded this in my cart (along with some flat-leafed parsley that looked good and another pot):
It doesn't state that this soil is "organic," but as long as I don't use pesticides, chemicals, etc., I'll be happy with my natural garden.
So after another round of re-potting, planting, and switching out soil, here is the (current) final product:
Middle: Thai Basil and Thyme
Right: Peppermint
Left Middle: Green Onions, Curled Parsley, Rosemary
Right Middle: Flat-leafed Parsley (needs to be potted in another pot)
Right: I think it's another type of thyme, but I'm not sure... that one's from my grandma :-)
So yay, I have an herb garden! However, I'm a little worried about the sun exposure. My patio does not face the best direction for sun, so hopefully all my plants don't die. That would be sad. Hope for the best! I can't wait to use all my fresh herbs in yummy meals.