Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Running on Empty

It's been a long time since I designed anything new solely for my own pleasure. I get home at 7ish and am burnt from spending 8 hours in front of a computer designing for work. But I feel as though I should do more and push my craft and my own boundaries. With that said, I find myself stuck in a rut. I have no ideas and nothing to inspire me as of right now.


Someone have something they want me to design? A tattoo design? A shirt? Shoes? Help me out here!


Also, speaking of running on empty... do you know how hard it is to try and return a rental car on empty when you live in LA and drive to work everyday!? I'm on empty right now but need the car for at least another 3 days... how many gallons do I get??

Sketches for work logo...

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